Mastering Login in Easy Steps: From Newbie to Pro

nycLife | Login in Easy Steps: From Newbie to Pro
nycLife | Login in Easy Steps: From Newbie to Pro

In an age dominated by technological marvels, few platforms have managed to mark their territory as swiftly and assertively as Originating as a small start-up, it didn't take long for to rise as one of the most sought-after project management tools in the market. As one of the bustling hubs of global business, New York City's fast-paced work culture greatly contributed to its exponential adoption. The city, known for its "never sleep" nature, embraced as a way to streamline communication, track tasks, and ensure productivity, irrespective of the timezone differences or the scale of the project. became more than just a tool; it transformed into a culture. In NYC's thriving environment where every minute counts, the platform turned inefficiencies into efficiencies, chaos into structure, and dreams into actionable plans.

But what makes so versatile and appealing?

Who Can Benefit from Using

Entrepreneurs: The life of an entrepreneur in NYC is nothing short of a roller-coaster. With constant pitches, meetings, and product developments, keeping track of every task becomes paramount. provides a centralized platform for entrepreneurs to visualize their progress, allocate resources, and drive towards milestones with clarity.

Freelancers: In the city that never sleeps, freelancers often find themselves juggling multiple projects with varying deadlines. offers a customizable interface that allows freelancers to prioritize their tasks, set reminders, and collaborate with clients in real-time, ensuring they never miss a beat.

Teams: Whether it's a start-up in Brooklyn or a multinational company in Manhattan, teams are the backbone of any organization. With, teams can foster transparency, assign tasks, set deadlines, and even automate repetitive tasks. The platform facilitates clear communication, ensuring that everyone is on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and boosting productivity.

Businesses: In a competitive landscape like NYC, businesses need to be agile, adaptive, and efficient. provides businesses, irrespective of their size, with data-driven insights, integration capabilities with other tools, and robust security features. It aids in strategic decision-making and ensures a seamless flow of operations across departments. is not just another project management tool; it's a catalyst for growth, efficiency, and collaboration. Whether you're an entrepreneur with a vision, a freelancer with multiple hats, a team striving for excellence, or a business aiming to dominate the market, has features tailored for everyone. And as you navigate through this article, you'll find easy steps to master its login and become a pro, leveraging the platform to its full potential.

What is is more than just another software in the vast sea of project management tools. This innovative platform has successfully positioned itself as one of the leading work operating systems. But what does that mean? Let's delve deeper to understand its offerings and why it's a crucial asset for managing projects and tasks.

Quick Overview of the Platform and its Features

At its core, is a Work Operating System (Work OS) that powers teams to run projects and workflows with confidence. It's a versatile platform that can be used by all—from startups to global enterprises, and from marketing teams to construction companies.

Here are some standout features:

  1. Visual Project Tracking: With a board-based structure, you can track the status of tasks, prioritize them, and get a clear overview of where everything stands.

  2. Customizable Workflows: Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, allows users to customize their workflows, making it suitable for any type of project or industry.

  3. Automation: Save time and reduce errors by automating routine tasks. With a simple no-code setup, you can set triggers and actions to streamline your processes.

  4. Integrations: plays well with other tools. Whether it's Slack, Google Drive, or Zoom, you can integrate it seamlessly, ensuring that all your tools are in sync.

  5. Time Tracking: Stay on top of hours worked, assess productivity, and ensure timely deliveries using the built-in time tracking feature.

  6. Collaboration Tools: Communicate with your team, share files, and provide feedback, all within the platform. With mentions and notifications, no message goes unnoticed.

  7. Dashboards: Get a bird's eye view of your projects with dynamic dashboards that show critical metrics, progress, and more.

  8. Data Security: With enterprise-grade security features, your data and processes are always protected.

Why It's Essential for Managing Projects and Tasks

1. Centralized Hub: With, everything related to your projects and tasks resides in one central place. This means no more juggling between multiple tools or searching through endless email threads. Everyone knows where to go for updates, files, and discussions.

2. Real-time Collaboration: Teams can collaborate in real time, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. This reduces miscommunications and boosts overall productivity.

3. Flexibility: Every project is unique, and understands that. Its customizable nature means that it bends to fit your needs, rather than the other way around.

4. Increased Accountability: With clear task assignments, timelines, and priorities, each team member knows their responsibilities. This transparency leads to increased accountability and fewer missed deadlines.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making: With insights and analytics at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions that propel your projects forward. Understand what's working, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your processes over time.

6. Scalability: As your team grows or your projects become more complex, scales with you. No need to migrate to another tool or change your processes. is not just a tool; it's a comprehensive solution that addresses the challenges faced by teams in the modern workplace. Whether you're handling a single project or managing a portfolio of them, ensures that you do it efficiently and effectively. Mastering its login and understanding its plethora of features is the first step to becoming a pro in project management.

Step-by-step Guide: Setting up Your Account

Starting with can be both exciting and a little intimidating, especially if you're not familiar with project management software. But fear not! In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of setting up your account, making you a pro in no time.

3.1. Registration Process

Before you dive into the myriad features that offers, you first need to set up an account. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do that.

Picking a plan: Free trial, Basic, Standard, Pro, and Enterprise

  1. Free Trial: This is an excellent place to start if you're unsure about committing. The free trial offers you a taste of the platform's capabilities without any financial obligation.

  2. Basic: Ideal for small teams that require basic task and project management tools.

  3. Standard: Suited for growing teams that need timeline features, automation, and integration.

  4. Pro: For advanced teams looking for time tracking, formula columns, and robust security features.

  5. Enterprise: Tailored for large organizations needing enterprise-scale features, premium support, and advanced security measures.

To pick a plan:

  1. Navigate to the website.
  2. Click on the "Pricing" tab in the navigation menu.
  3. Browse through the various plans, comparing their features and prices.
  4. Once you've chosen a plan, click on "Get started."

Inputting necessary details

  1. You'll be prompted to enter your business email. Fill it in and click "Continue."
  2. Provide your full name, set a password, and specify your company's name.
  3. You may be asked about your team size and the primary purpose of using Answer these questions as they help tailor the platform to your needs.
  4. Click "Create Account."

3.2. First-time user dashboard orientation

Congratulations on creating your account! Now, it's time to familiarize yourself with the dashboard.

Overview of the dashboard layout

  1. Main Navigation Bar: Located at the top, this bar contains tabs for "Home," "My Work," "Inbox," and "Notifications." This is your gateway to various parts of the platform.

  2. Board Directory: On the left side, you'll find a list of all your boards. These are the primary spaces where you'll create, manage, and track projects and tasks.

  3. Workspace Area: This central area displays the contents of the board or view you've selected. It's where you'll spend most of your time.

Understanding the UI elements

  1. Pulses: These are rows on a board that represent tasks, projects, or items. They can be customized with various columns like status, text, numbers, dates, and more.

  2. Groups: Within a board, pulses can be organized into groups, allowing for better categorization and management of tasks.

  3. Views: Located above the workspace area, views allow you to change how you see your board data. There are several views available, like "Main Table," "Calendar," "Timeline," and "Chart."

  4. Updates & Comments: Clicking on a pulse will open its update section, where you can add comments, tag team members, and attach files.

  5. Search & Filter: Located at the top-right, this tool allows you to quickly find specific items on your board or filter the displayed information according to your criteria.

By now, you should have a basic understanding of how to set up your account and navigate the dashboard. As you explore and use the platform more, you'll discover a multitude of features that will help optimize your team's workflow and productivity. Happy managing!

4. The Simple Login Process

To ensure a seamless experience, the login process has been designed to be straightforward and user-friendly. Whether you're a first-time user or someone revisiting the platform, the following guide will help you navigate and understand the login process efficiently.

4.1. Navigating to the Login Page

  1. Browser Access: Begin by opening your preferred web browser and type "" into the address bar. On the top-right corner of the homepage, you will find the 'Login' button. Clicking on it will direct you to the login page.

  2. Direct URL: If you prefer a shortcut, you can directly type "" into your browser's address bar to reach the login page immediately.

  3. Mobile Access: If you're using the mobile application, launching the app will either auto-login if you've previously entered your credentials, or prompt you to the login screen if it's your first time or you've logged out.

4.2. Inputting your Email and Password

  1. Email: On the login page, you'll find a field for your email address. Type in the email you used during the registration process.

  2. Password: Directly below the email field, there's a space to input your password. If you've set up a strong and unique password, which is recommended, ensure you input it correctly, paying attention to any capital letters, numbers, or symbols.

  3. Login: Once you've filled in both fields, click on the 'Login' button to access your account.

4.3. Two-factor Authentication: Extra Layer of Security

For users who prioritize security, offers an additional security feature called two-factor authentication (2FA).

  1. Setup: If you've enabled 2FA for your account, after inputting your email and password, you'll be prompted to provide a verification code.

  2. Receive Code: This code will be sent to the phone number linked with your account via SMS or to your authentication app, depending on your 2FA setup.

  3. Input Code: Enter the received verification code into the provided field on the login page. Upon verification, you'll be granted access to your account.

This added layer ensures that even if someone obtains your password, they can't access your account without the unique code.

4.4. Troubleshooting: Forget Your Password or Can't Access Your Account?

Missteps happen, but has got you covered.

  1. Forgot Password: Below the 'Login' button, there's a link labeled 'Forgot your password?'. Click on it and follow the prompts. Typically, you'll be asked for your email address and then sent a link to reset your password.

  2. Account Locked or Other Issues: If you've input the wrong password multiple times, or you suspect someone else has tried to access your account, it might get temporarily locked. In such cases, it's best to contact's support team. They'll guide you through the necessary steps to restore access.

Navigating the login process on is a breeze once you familiarize yourself with these steps. From entering your credentials to enhancing security with two-factor authentication, has ensured that users can access their boards and projects with ease and confidence.

5. Unlocking the Potential of After Login

Once you've successfully logged in to, a world of productivity awaits. To make the most of this powerful platform, let’s delve into how you can transform your workspace from a blank slate to a robust collaborative environment.

5.1. Personalizing your workspace

Adding profile picture and contact details:
Start by making your profile more recognizable. Go to the settings icon on the top-right corner, choose 'Profile', and then upload your profile picture. Alongside this, update your contact details so team members can reach you when necessary.

Adjusting notification settings:
Avoid getting overwhelmed with notifications by tailoring them to your preferences. Under 'My Profile', navigate to 'Notifications'. Here, you can adjust the frequency of your notifications, decide on which updates you’d like to receive, and even customize the notification sound.

5.2. Creating your first board

Types of boards: Main, Shareable, and Private:

  • Main Boards: These are visible to all team members in your account. Ideal for organization-wide tasks and projects.
  • Shareable Boards: You can share these boards with people outside your account, like clients or consultants.
  • Private Boards: Visible only to those you invite, ensuring privacy for sensitive tasks or projects.

Adding columns, tasks, and deadlines:
To create a new task, click on the '+' button on your board. Add details to the task by filling in the necessary columns like ‘Task Name’, ‘Deadline’, and ‘Assigned to’. You can also add new columns as per your requirements – whether it’s a status column, a text column, or even a location column.

5.3. Integrating other tools and apps

Connecting your email, calendar, or other work tools:
Enhance your productivity by connecting to tools you already use. Navigate to the 'Integrations Center' and select the app you wish to connect, be it Gmail, Outlook, Google Calendar, or Slack. Follow the on-screen instructions to integrate seamlessly.

5.4. Inviting team members and collaborating

Setting up permissions:
You can control what team members see and do. Under 'Board Settings', you’ll find options to define permissions – allowing you to decide who can edit, view, or be restricted from certain tasks or boards.

Using’s chat and communication features:
Communication is key for any project. Use's in-built chat feature to discuss tasks without leaving the platform. By clicking on a task, you can view its updates and chat history, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

5.5. Automations and integrations: Simplifying your workflow

Examples of automations to save time:
Automate routine tasks to free up time. For instance, you can set automations like “When a status changes to ‘Done’, send an email to the team” or “When a new item is created, set its deadline to 7 days later”.

Integration with other platforms (CRM, Marketing tools, etc.):
Apart from work tools, can be connected to platforms like Salesforce for CRM, Mailchimp for marketing, or even Jira for advanced project management. This ensures all your tools talk to each other, providing a cohesive work environment.

Integrating with Salesforce CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) can offer several benefits, streamlining your sales process and boosting efficiency. Here's how this integration can help:

  • Improved quote generation: Faster, Accurate and handle more complex quotes.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Real-time Visibility, Streamlined Workflow, Seamless Communication
  • Better data insights: Centralized data, Data-Driven Decision, Improved Forecasting
  • Additional benefits, such as increased sales productivity, improved customer experience: Faster and more accurate quotes lead to a smoother buying experience for customers and reduced error.

Ultimately, integrating with Salesforce CPQ can help you:

  • Close deals faster and more efficiently.
  • Improve customer satisfaction with a smoother buying experience.
  • Gain valuable insights to make better sales decisions.

By investing a bit of time in setting up and personalizing your workspace, you pave the way for heightened productivity, improved communication, and streamlined workflows. Now, you're not just logged into; you're mastering it.

6. Tips and Tricks for Mastering

Unlocking the full potential of goes beyond merely logging in. As a versatile team management tool, boasts various features to increase productivity, enhance team collaboration, and streamline tasks. To help you transition from a beginner to a pro, here are some tips and tricks that will enhance your user experience:

6.1. Keyboard Shortcuts

Just like any other software, provides numerous keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and streamline your navigation:

  • Quick Search: Use 'Ctrl/Cmd + K' to quickly bring up the search bar. This allows you to find boards, teams, and work items without having to click around.

  • Add New Item: Press 'Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N' to create a new task or item in your board.

  • Switch Boards: 'Ctrl/Cmd + [number]' will let you toggle between the boards. Each board is assigned a number, and pressing that number while holding down the control or command key will take you directly to that board.

  • Edit Items: When a task or item is highlighted, press 'Enter' to open it up for editing instantly.

  • Mark as Done: For tasks or items that have a status column, pressing 'Ctrl/Cmd + Enter' will mark them as done.

Explore the settings section on to see a full list of keyboard shortcuts.

6.2. Using Mobile Application

Being able to manage your projects on-the-go is vital in today's fast-paced environment. The mobile app brings the power of the platform to your fingertips:

  • Stay Notified: Get real-time notifications about any updates, mentions, or changes in your tasks and projects.

  • Quick Add: Add new tasks, assign teammates, and set deadlines directly from your mobile device.

  • Visual Dashboards: View and interact with all your dashboards, just as you would on the desktop version.

  • Offline Access: You can still view your boards and items even when you're offline. Any changes made will sync once you're back online.

6.3. Regularly Checking the Updates and New Features is always evolving with new features, enhancements, and optimizations. To maximize the platform's capabilities:

  • Stay Updated: Always ensure your application (both desktop and mobile) is updated to the latest version.

  • Explore the Release Notes: often provides release notes highlighting new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Familiarizing yourself with these will ensure you're always up-to-date with the platform's capabilities.

  • Test New Features: When you come across a new feature, play around with it. This hands-on approach will help you understand its functionality better and determine if it's beneficial for your team's workflow.

6.4. Joining the Community for Insights, Q&A, and Networking has a vibrant and active community. By joining, you get:

  • Expert Advice: Many power users and experts share their insights, templates, and workflows that can be invaluable.

  • Troubleshoot Issues: If you ever run into problems or have queries, the community is a great place to get answers.

  • Share Feedback: The team actively monitors the community, making it a great platform to share feedback or suggestions for improvements.

  • Networking Opportunities: Interact with other professionals, share experiences, and even potentially collaborate on projects.

Mastering is about understanding its vast array of features and optimizing your workflow for maximum productivity. By using these tips and tricks, you'll soon find yourself navigating the platform like a pro.

7. NYC Life & Style with

In the bustling city that never sleeps, New York City professionals are constantly on the hunt for tools and platforms that can streamline their daily operations and offer better work-life balance. Enter, a Work Operating System (Work OS) that is changing the way people manage their projects, teams, and even their personal lifestyles.

How NYC professionals are leveraging for lifestyle management

The urban landscape of NYC demands its residents be agile, innovative, and constantly connected. From high-flying executives to the hip freelancers working from Manhattan's coffee shops, has become an essential platform for the diverse range of professionals that call the Big Apple home.

Here's how they're leveraging the tool:

  1. Event Management: From gallery openings in Brooklyn to rooftop parties in the Upper East Side, NYC professionals are using to organize guest lists, track RSVPs, and manage logistics.

  2. Personal Wellness: With the tool's flexibility, New Yorkers are setting up boards for personal goals like fitness routines, meal planning, and meditation schedules.

  3. Budgeting and Finances:'s project tracking capabilities are being used by many to manage personal finances, track expenses, and plan savings.

  4. Travel Planning: Whether it's a weekend getaway upstate or a business trip to LA, users are harnessing's power to plan every detail of their travels.

  5. Networking: With a city full of opportunities, professionals are using to track meetings, follow-ups, and potential collaborations.

Case study: A day in the life of an NYC entrepreneur using

Naomi, a 32-year-old tech entrepreneur in NYC, starts her day early. As she sips on her morning coffee overlooking the skyline, she logs into Here's how she uses the platform:

  • Morning Meditation: Naomi has a board dedicated to her wellness. The first item on her list is a 15-minute meditation. She checks it off after completing her session.

  • Team Meeting: Using's Zoom integration, she initiates a video call with her team. They discuss project updates, all managed and visualized through their shared board.

  • Lunch with a Potential Investor: Naomi uses the tool to remind her of the lunch appointment and has stored essential background information about the investor in the platform.

  • Product Development Check: Post lunch, she dives into another board that tracks her product's development stage, reviews feedback, and assigns new tasks.

  • Evening Yoga: Naomi's personal wellness board notifies her of the evening yoga class she's registered for.

  • Dinner Plans: Using the platform, she has collaborated with friends to decide on a new restaurant to try out. The board includes the menu, directions, and even shared reviews from other friends.

The power of lies in its adaptability. Naomi, like many other NYC professionals, uses the platform to integrate both her professional and personal life, ensuring she remains productive while also catering to her wellbeing and personal preferences.

In the heart of NYC, where life is a mix of swift business decisions and personal pursuits, is more than just a project management tool. It's a way of life, ensuring that every day, professionals like Naomi are at the top of their game, making the most of what the city has to offer.

8. Conclusion

As we reach the conclusion of our guide to mastering the login and functionalities of, it's essential to pause and appreciate the transformative potential that this platform offers. Whether you're a professional handling multiple projects in a corporate setting or an individual aiming to streamline your personal tasks, proves to be an indispensable tool in the modern era of project management.

Let's recap some of the platform's outstanding capabilities:

  1. Holistic Project Management: isn’t just another task manager; it's a comprehensive project management solution. From visualizing your workflow with boards and charts to delegating tasks and tracking their progress, the platform covers it all. Its adaptability makes it suitable for varied industries, from marketing and software development to construction and even personal event planning.

  2. Collaboration and Communication: One of the hallmarks of an effective project management tool is its ability to foster collaboration and communication. With, team members can effortlessly collaborate in real-time, reducing the need for endless meetings or back-and-forth emails. Conversations are organized and tied to tasks, ensuring that the context is never lost.

  3. Customization: No two projects are the same, and neither are the needs of different users. recognizes this with its deep customization features. You can tailor your boards, integrate with other tools you love, and set up automations to suit your unique requirements.

While this guide has provided you with steps to navigate the login and fundamental functionalities of, remember that there’s always more to explore. Like any robust tool, the more time you invest in familiarizing yourself with its nuances, the better your returns will be. Therefore, our encouragement to you is twofold:

  1. Explore: Dive deeper into the various functionalities and settings that the platform offers. Venture beyond the basic features and discover the advanced ones that can elevate your project management game to new heights.

  2. Experiment: Don’t hesitate to set up trial boards, play with automations, or explore integrations. The beauty of is that it's as versatile as your imagination allows. Testing and experimenting can lead to discovering novel ways to make the platform work best for you.

In the ever-evolving world of work and personal management, emerges as a beacon of efficiency and clarity. So, don't just stop at mastering the login. Let this be your stepping stone to embracing a smarter way of managing projects, tasks, and, ultimately, your life. Dive in, get hands-on, and witness the transformative potential of for yourself. Your journey from newbie to pro is just beginning.

9. Additional Resources

Navigating a new tool can be daunting, but the good news is there are a plethora of resources available online to guide you through every step of the way, ensuring you harness the full potential of Here's a list of invaluable resources to get you started:

Links to tutorials, webinars, and forums:

  1. Official Tutorials: Their official website has an extensive library of tutorials, ranging from basic introductions to advanced features.

  2. Webinars: Regular webinars are hosted by the team. These interactive sessions allow users to ask questions in real-time. Check their webinar schedule to stay updated.

  3. Community Forum: This forum is a hub where users from around the globe discuss their experiences, share tips, and resolve queries.

  4. YouTube Tutorials: Many enthusiasts and experts share tutorials on YouTube. Channels like " Basics" provide a wealth of knowledge.

Suggested reading on project management and collaboration tools in the modern workplace:

  1. "Drive" by Daniel H. Pink: This book sheds light on what truly motivates us in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

  2. "Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time" by Jeff Sutherland: Dive into the world of Scrum, a revolutionary approach to project management.

  3. "Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World" by General Stanley McChrystal: A look into how teams operate in the digital age and how to foster collaboration in large organizations.

  4. "Remote: Office Not Required" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson: As remote work becomes the new norm, this book offers insights into making it effective.

  5. Blogs and Articles: Websites like Harvard Business Review and Project Management Institute frequently publish articles on modern project management trends and collaboration tools.

  6. "Tools of Titans" by Tim Ferriss: While not exclusively about project management, this book contains practical advice and tools used by top performers across various fields.

Remember, the journey of mastering or any other tool is continuous. As the digital landscape evolves, so do the tools and techniques. Regularly revisiting these resources will ensure you're always at the top of your game. Whether you're a newbie or looking to advance to a pro level, the key lies in continuous learning and practice. Happy mastering!

Additional Information

To register and login to a account, follow these steps: login - To register:

  1. Go to the website.
  2. Click on the "Get started" button in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Enter your email address and click on "Get started".
  4. Follow the prompts to set up your account.

If you are a student, you can sign up for a student account by following the steps in the support article. login - To login:

  1. Go to the website.
  2. Click on the "Log in" button in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Enter your email address and password.
  4. Click on the "Log in" button.

If you are having trouble logging in, you can refer to the support article for assistance. Additionally, the website offers a variety of resources to help you learn how to use the platform, including guides, webinars, and video tutorials.

[6] login - Forgot your Password
If you forgot your password for your account, you can reset it by following these steps:

  1. Go to the login page.
  2. Click on the "Forgot your password?" link.
  3. Enter the email address associated with your account.
  4. Follow the instructions in the email you receive to reset your password. login - Change your Password
You can also change your password from within your account settings. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  3. Click on "Profile" in the dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the "Password" tab.
  5. Enter your current password and your new password.
  6. Click on "Save changes".

If you are still having trouble logging in or resetting your password, you can refer to the support articles or contact their support team for assistance.

[6] login - Recover Account
Yes, it is possible to recover a deleted account on However, it is important to note that once an account is deleted, all data associated with that account is also deleted and cannot be recovered. If you accidentally deleted your account, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check the "Trash" section of your account. Deleted items are stored in the trash for 30 days before being permanently deleted.
  2. Contact the support team for assistance. They may be able to help you recover your account if it was deleted within the last 30 days.

If you are an admin and accidentally deleted a user from your account, you can restore their account within 30 days by following the steps in the support article.

It is important to note that if you delete data from your account, it may be possible to recover it using the "Undo" feature or by contacting the support team for assistance.

[6] login - Support
There are several ways to access the support team:

  1. Help Center: You can browse the Help Center to find answers to common questions and issues. The Help Center is organized by topic, including Getting Started, Structure & Organization, Using, Connect & Automate, Profile & Admin, Pricing & Billing, Troubleshooting, and Mobile.

  2. Contact Us: You can contact the support team by filling out a form on their Contact Us page. You will need to provide your first name, work email, phone number, and a description of your question or issue. You can also select a topic from a dropdown menu to help direct your inquiry.

  3. Live Chat: You can access live chat support by clicking on the "?" icon in the left pane of your account and selecting "Contact us" at the bottom of the Help Center page. From there, you can click on "Live chat" in the top menu to start a chat with a support representative.

  4. Email: You can also email the support team at

  5. Community Forum: You can also post your question on the Community Forum to get help from other users and experts.

It is important to note that the support team is available during business hours in the Eastern Time Zone. However, they do offer 24/7 support for critical issues.

[6] NYC 2019



NYC blogger sharing my adventures. I'm always looking for new things to do in New York, from discovering hidden treasures and attempting the current trends to finding the best food, drink, & shopping.
Manhattan, New York, United States